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Elgin Clean Water Program

For landowners throughout Elgin County, funding is available for a variety of environmental stewardship projects, including wetland creation, erosion control, and well decommissioning.

About the Program

The Elgin Clean Water Program is a rural water quality initiative that provides technical assistance and financial incentives to help landowners embark on stewardship projects. The program was created by the four Elgin County Conservation Authorities (Catfish Creek, Kettle Creek, Long Point Region, and Lower Thames Valley). The ultimate goal of these projects is to protect and improve the quality of our water and wildlife habitat.

Since 2012...

over 340 projects have been completed with over $793,645 in funding from the Elgin Clean Water Program.

Successful applicants will receive

up to 50% of the cost of environmental stewardship projects undertaken on their property. Eligible project categories include erosion control measures, wetland and riparian habitat restoration, wellhead protection and decommissioning, livestock access restriction, and clean water diversion. There is also funding available for other innovative projects which lead directly to improved water quality or overall watershed health.

The Elgin Clean Water Program now also offers an incentive for farmers to plant cover crops.

Completed Projects
ECWP Funding Provided
$ 4000000
Total Project Costs
$ 2000000
Learn More about the
ELgiN Clean Water Program

Past Projects

Whether managing runoff from manure storage areas or using bioengineering techniques to stabilize eroding creek banks, dozens of landowners have taken action to improve the environment.

Project Eligibility

For landowners throughout Elgin County, funding is available for a variety of environmental stewardship projects, including wetland creation, erosion control, and well decommissioning.

How to Apply

The first step in applying to the Elgin Clean Water Program is to contact your local Conservation Authority to determine whether your project meets the eligibility requirements for funding.

Completed Projects

Map of Elgin Clean Water completed projects

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